I promote a progressive form of Christianity that strives to make the world a better, more loving, more just place for all.


My Mission

…to empower individuals and churches to become more loving and compassionate people in the way of Jesus.


C. V.

Senior Minister

First Congregational Church (UCC)

Ithaca, NY

Contributing Writer

Center for Analytics, Research & Development, and Data (UCC)

Course Instructor

Cornell University

Course Instructor

NY School of Ministry


University of Toronto


Harvard University, Divinity School

What is a progressive form of Christianity?


“As progressive Christians, we believe that a robust, thought-provoking faith, like a good piece of art, can enhance life and make it savory.”

— David A. Kaden, Christianity in Blue

“The emphasis of progressive Christianity is on this life and on changing this world for the benefit of people now. We believe this world is God’s world—something to be enjoyed, relished, celebrated, and improved in our communities, families, and neighborhoods.”

— David A. Kaden, Christianity in Blue

“We strive to follow the example of Jesus—embracing outsiders, loving neighbors and enemies, and working toward wholeness, justice, and peace.”

— David A. Kaden, Christianity in Blue